ORCID-ID E.mail Official scientific accounts for teaching staff Name No [email protected] Bashar J. J. Al-Sabah 1 0000-0001-9548-1609 ID:57216336028 [email protected] Ghassan Mahdi Daghir
Category: conference
College Council
The position Name No. The Dean ASS.PROF.DR. EZALDEEN K. NAJAM 1 Dean Assistant for Scientific Affairs Inst. Ahmed F. Shamikh 2 Dean Assistant for Managerial
College of Agriculture : An Overview
It is one of the colleges of Misan University that is concerned with agricultural sciences and scientific techniques used in agricultural, plant and animal activities.
Researches Papers of animal production department published in Scopus indexed journals
no Name Journal title Published research 1 Qayser Ali Kredi Natural Outbreaks of Infectious Bursal Disease in Brahma and Aeel Chicken Iraq Journal of
Faculty members in the Department of Animal Production
Specialization Name No. Soil chemistry Prof.Dr. Bashar J. Jumah 1 Food Chemistry Asst.Prof.Dr. Ezaldeen K. Najim 2 Poultry diseases Asst.Prof.Dr. Qayser. A. Kreedy 3 animal
Academic Program Of the Department Of Animal Production
Academic Program of the Department of Animal Production 1st year Units Subject First Semester 3.5 Analytical Chemistry 3.5 Principles of Soil Science 3.5 Principles of
Papers published in Scopus indexed journals
No Papers published in Scopus indexed journals Name No. Journal title Published research 1 Prop.Dr.Ghassan M. Daghir 4
Faculty members in the plant protection department
Specialization Name No. Plant diseases Prof. Dr. Ghassan Mahdi Dagher 1 Mycology Asst. Prof. Dr. Talal Hussein Saleh 2 Field crops Asst. Prof. Dr. Durgham
Research Published
No Name No. Journal title Published research 1 Prop.Dr.Ghassan M. Daghir 4 Plant Archives First record the fungus bipolaris australiensis