The University
of Misan holds a
workshop on the mechanism of publishing scientific research in international
journals .The college of Agriculture at the University of Misan held
a workshop on the mechanism of publishing scientific research in international
journals with the participation of a number of teaching staff
The workshop presented by Dr. (Kaiser Ali Karidi) teaching in the Department of
Animal Production explained a set of steps that the researcher must adhere to
in order to publish his article in scientific journals and these steps:
1 – The researcher must write a complete scientific research, and provides a
new benefit to science.
2 – The researcher should choose a scientific journal commensurate with the
type of scientific research done by the researcher and should be the magazine
within the global containers
3 – The researcher must abide by the rules required by the magazine for
4 – The researcher must be able to provide scientific research free of
linguistic and spelling errors,
5. The research conducted by the researcher must be in accordance with
the model of the journal.
6 – The researcher should send the scientific research to the magazine, and
then follow the research, and know when to publish, and know the reasons for
rejection in the case of rejection