Metternich's position on The Eastern Question 1823 – 1840


  • Hamza AL-Budairy Imam AL-Kadham college for Islamic Sciences



The Austrian Chancellor Metternich is considered one of the most prominent political and Diplomatic figures in Europe during the last decade of the Eighteenth Century.  

Until The first half of the nineteenth century, because he played a major role in charting the course of European Diplomacy and International Relations in the aftermath of the Vienna Conference in 1815, by which he managed to Restore Peace and stability to the European Continent after the event Events of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic wars.

In this research, we will try to study and Clarify Metternich's position on the Events of The Eastern Question, specifically the Greek Revolution ( 1821-1833 ), and the issue of the conflict between The Ottoman sultan and Mohammed Ali Pasha and the governor of Egypt.


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How to Cite

البديري ح. (2021). Metternich’s position on The Eastern Question 1823 – 1840. Journal of Misan Researches, 17(34), 225-269.


