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جامعة ميسان – كلية الهندسة – قسم الهندسة الكيمياوية

المرحلة : الأولى – الفصل الدراسي : الأول – المادة الدراسية : Analytical Chemistry

Module TitleAnalytical Chemistry
Module CodeCHEN126
ECTS Credits7
Module Learning Outcomes    Introduce basic definitions and introductory concepts of analytical chemistry.Show the different methods to prepare solutions with different concentrations and PH.Explains the methods to control the precipitation process. Show the methods for the quantitative calculations of oxidation reduction reactions. Water treatment like Total Hardness Determination Using EDTA.Provide a background to higher level courses involving dealing with different solutions.   Provide a strong quantitative and analytical understanding to the students in order to be able to deal with different solution concentrations and its preparation in chemical industry