الكترونيك I

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جامعة ميسان – كلية الهندسة – قسم الهندسة الكهربائية

المرحلة : الأولى – الفصل الدراسي : الثاني – المادة الدراسية : الكترونيك

اسم المادةالكترونيك Iاسم المادة باللغة الانكليزيةElectronic I
رمز المادةEL123عدد ECTS5

Module Learning Outcomes

1-    Will be able to recognize types of diodes, explain basic terms related with diodes and tell the operating principle of diodes.

2-    Recognizes types and the construction of diodes. Explains ideal diode, equivalent circuit and dc characteristic of a diode.

3-    Tells the operating principles of diodes and zener diodes.

4-    Will be able to analyze different diode circuits.

5-    Recognizes half-wave, full-wave and bridge rectifier circuits and explains the operation of these circuits.

6-    Recognizes clipping and clamping circuits, explains the operation of these circuits and analyses these circuits.

7-    Analyzes and measures parameters in basic diode circuits.

8-    Will be able to tell the structure and the operation of transistors and recognize the different types of transistors.

9-    Recognizes the different configurations of circuits with transistors and the characteristics of these circuits and compares these circuits.

10- Analyzes transistor dc biasing.

11- Explains the operation of transistor dc biasing circuits. Will be able to explain different circuits with transistors.