Responsibility of states for harmful use of an international watercourse (comparative study)

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Mohammed Jabbar Naama
Yasar Attia Toueh


Due to the multiplicity of uses of fresh water, and due to the increase in the world’s population and the corresponding scientific and technical development، water has become a limited resource and difficult to obtain. Therefore، the international community، through public international law، has paid attention to international rivers to address legal challenges and difficulties، for equitable use and Reasonable international waterways and not causing harm to the riparian countries. The United Nations Convention legitimized the use of international watercourses for purposes other than navigation in 1997 to establish the principles of the use of international watercourses، and bear international responsibility for those who violate those principles، as well as addressing climate change، developing general strategies to address drought، and resolving disputes peacefully through negotiation. Or mediation، or within regional or international agreements، or the International Court of Justice

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How to Cite
Jabbar Naama م. ., & Attia Toueh ي. . (2025). Responsibility of states for harmful use of an international watercourse (comparative study). MIsan Journal of Comparative Legal Studies, 1(12), 434–479. Retrieved from


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