Misan Journal of Political and International Studies
<p><strong>Misan Journal of Political and International Studies is a semi-annual peer-reviewed general political scientific journal concerned with publishing international research and studies in various fields of knowledge for the political sciences specialty. It is issued by the College of Political Sciences at the University of Maysan, affiliated with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the Republic of Iraq. The magazine provides its services In its electronic and paper versions, for researchers inside and outside Iraq, it publishes the research of graduate students and scientific conferences recognized by the Ministry. The magazine includes in its editorial board scientific figures with a fragrant history, from inside and outside Iraq, with the aim of enriching the scientific research submitted for publication, with scientific sobriety from In terms of methodology and content, which contributes to disseminating knowledge in this specialty, and achieving the required quality of scientific research, in a way that contributes to implementing the Ministry’s vision of developing and developing scientific research, enhancing the capabilities of researchers in acquiring intellectual skills in scientific research, and building bridges of scientific communication with faculties of political science. Debate, inside and outside Iraq, and the magazine also seeks to enter global understandings. The magazine is funded by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research through the Universities Fund, as well as fees for publishing research on its pages.</strong></p>en-USm.journalpolst@uomisan.edu.iq (Dr:Mahammed Tama JODAH )waleed@uomisan.edu.iq (Waleed saeed Radhi)Mon, 12 Aug 2024 20:20:10 +0000OJSال النظام السياسي في إيران.. المرشد الاعلى أنموذج
<p>the Guardian Jurist, powers that exceed those of the legislative, executive, and judicial institutions combined. Their legitimacy is only realized with the approval of the Guardian Jurist, who holds the most prominent authority. The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran is considered the highest authority and the most prominent figure in the state, as well as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. He enjoys several executive powers and acts as the "watchful eye over the implementation of religious rulings and the review of political decisions." He has the ability to resolve state affairs and set its general policies. The Supreme Leader also plays a significant role in deciding on crucial and foreign decisions that affect the national security of the state.</p>Naser Kadhim, د. مثنى محمد تركي
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https://uomisan.edu.iq/political/mjpis/index.php/1/article/view/6Sun, 11 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000ال عقلانية قرارات قادة المؤسسات الأمنية العراقية في ضوء استراتيجيات نظرية اللعبة
<p>تحتاج القيادة الأمنية الى الإسراع في اتخاذ القرار المناسب الذي يتوافق مع التشريعات القانونية والاستراتيجيات الأمنية المناسبة التي من شانها ان تحقق أفضل النتائج تجاه مكافحة التنظيمات الإرهابية، ومنها ما افترضناه في بحثنا هذا من تطبيقات استراتيجيات نظرية اللعبة. ان التنظيمات الإرهابية والمتطرفة تتميز بانها تسير وفق أيديولوجيا دينية وسياسية ترفض التعددية السياسية و الدينية بل وتنتهج طرقا عنيفة في التعامل مع الافراد الامر الذي يضع المؤسسة الامنية العراقية امام تحدي دراسة وفهم استراتيجية تلك الجماعات التي قد تتحول الى العنف في أي لحظة، ولك من خلال دراسة أربع استراتيجيات رئيسية يتبعها الارهابيون ستتسبب بانتشار العنف والتخريب على نطاق واسع والى زعزعة الثقة بقدرة المؤسسة الأمنية على أداء واجباتها الأساسية لضبط الامن والنظام العام.</p>FirasHamdan Hamdan
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https://uomisan.edu.iq/political/mjpis/index.php/1/article/view/8Sun, 11 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000ال التحليل الأكاديمي والإعلامي لملف أدراج الاهوار والمناطق الأثرية العراقية إلى لائحة التراث العالمي
<p>The research topic is summarized in explaining the role played by the Iraqi state ministries and institutions in 2016 for the purpose of planning and promoting the inclusion of the Marshlands and Archaeological Areas Project on the World Heritage List, and the previous media and cultural promotion operations for the Iraqi Marshes and community mobilization operations in Baghdad and the southern governorates concerned with the Marshes file with the participation of community and international organizations, where the research problem was represented in trying to answer a main question which is (what is the role of public relations in promoting the project to include the Marshes and Archaeological Areas on the World Heritage List), and the aim of the study was to shed light on the technical efforts and media activities held by national committees and community and international organizations in promoting the national project and introducing Iraqi culture and knowing the nature of its communication content and the issues it promoted, in addition to knowing the communication means and methods used to communicate with internal and external audiences and the extent of their success in promoting the national project, and the study method was a "survey" method, and scientific interviews, observation and the focus group conducted by the researcher constituted the main tools for collecting information.</p>Laith Sabbar Gabeer
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https://uomisan.edu.iq/political/mjpis/index.php/1/article/view/11Sun, 11 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000متغيرات النظام العالمي والحروب المستقبلية
<p> The international environment in the twenty-first century has witnessed many developments and transformations that included all aspects of the global system, especially at the security level. The first of these transformations was represented by the change that occurred in some countries to become under the name (failed state), as some describe it, as those countries became influential in The international environment is an incubator for everything that threatens global security, including violent groups, arms and drug trafficking organizations, human trafficking, and the harboring of mercenaries. In addition, the global system has witnessed the emergence of (global terrorism), through which the world has witnessed a turbulent security environment that has redrawn the security strategies of the countries active in The international system, including the strategy of future wars, which reduced the costs of direct conflict between the conflicting poles adopted by the major powers, especially after the expansion of their scope and the increase in the frequency of these wars according to a set of variables imposed by the structure of the global system.</p>علي محمد راضي المالكي
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https://uomisan.edu.iq/political/mjpis/index.php/1/article/view/12Sun, 11 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000تداخل الصلاحيات في النظام الفدرالي(دراسة مقارنة في النظام السياسي العراقي وفقاً لدستور 2005 النافذ)
<p>شهد النظام السياسي في العراق سنة 2003 تحولا من النظام الدكتاتوري الى النظام الديمقراطي الفيدرالي الذي قسمت فيه الصلاحيات الدستورية بين السلطة المركزية و الإقليم و المحافظات الغير منتظمة بإقليم الى صلاحيات حصرية وصلاحيات مشتركة. إن مسألة توزيع الاختصاصات في الدولة الفيدرالية من اهم المشاكل التي تواجه الدولة الفيدرالية الناشئة بسبب سرعة كتابة دستور 2005 وغياب الخبرة الدستورية الكافية ولد مشاكل دستورية وقانونية بين المركز والإقليم بسبب الصلاحيات والاختصاصات المشتركة. من المشاكل الدستورية ازمة الاختلاف على إدارة الحقول النفطية والثروات المكتشفة حديثا, لان المشرع الدستوري لم يشير للجهة المختصة في إدارة الاستكشافات الحديثة. هذا التنازع والاختلاف لا نجده في الدستور الاماراتي لسنة 1971 المعدل الذي حدد بشكل واضح وصريح صلاحيات المجلس الأعلى للاتحاد وصلاحيات الإمارات. </p>سجى ماجد داود العزاوي, محمد عبد العظيم علك
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https://uomisan.edu.iq/political/mjpis/index.php/1/article/view/14Sun, 11 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000