Academic Program Description Form for Colleges for the Academic Year 2023-2024


Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific ResearchUniversity of Misan / College of Basic EducationScientific Supervision and Evaluation AuthorityDepartment of Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation
Academic Program Description Form for Colleges for the Academic Year 2023-2024 


University: University of Misan

College/Institute: College of Basic Education

 Department: English

 Date of file completion: 18/07/2024

Signature: Signature: Name of Department Head: Asst. Prof. Khaled Wahab Jabr

Name of Scientific Assistant: Asst. Prof. Dr. Ammar Mohammed Hattab

Date: 18/07/2024 Date: 18/07/2024

File checked by Quality Assurance and University Performance Division

 Name of Quality Assurance and University Performance Division Manager: Dr. Hussam Ahmed Ali

Date: 18/07/2024 Signature:

Approved by the Dean

Academic program description

This academic program description provides a concise summary of the main characteristics of the program and the expected learning outcomes to be achieved by the student, demonstrating whether they have made maximum use of the available opportunities. It is accompanied by a description of each course within the program.
University of MisanEducational Institution:
College of Basic EducationScientific Department / Center:
Department of EnglishName of the Academic or Professional Program:
Bachelor of Education in English Name of the Final Certificate:
CoursesStudy System:
Union of Arab UniversitiesApproved Accreditation Program:
Ministry of Education, Ministry of PlanningOther External Influences:
18/07/2024Date of Description Preparation:
Objectives of the Academic Program
§  Preparing a specialized university teacher with a balanced personality, aware of their national and professional educational role, armed with general culture and specialized knowledge, proper behavior, and the ethics of the educational profession. Preparing them to keep pace with contemporary life in light of modern technology, and equipping them with skills that qualify them to perform their assigned tasks in schools, especially in the field of life sciences.
Preparing a university teacher with linguistic and scientific proficiency in teaching the English language.
 Developing students’ skills in comprehending English texts.
Training students in scientific research.
Preparing specialized staff in English language teaching methods
Required Program Outcomes and Methods of Teaching, Learning, and Assessment  
Cognitive Objectives   English specialization subjects (English Literature, Grammar, Translation, Conversation, General English, Phonetics, Comprehension, Specialized Research Methodology, Novel, Drama, Short Story, Essay, Book Analysis, Scientific Research Methods with 90 units and 54% of the total)Enabling students to acquire language skills.Education and Psychology (Basic Education and its Principles, Educational Counseling and Mental Health, Administration and Supervision, General Teaching Methods, Practical Application with 48 units)General Culture (Computers, Arabic Language, Islamic Education, Human Rights and Democracy, Health and Environmental Education, with 28 units)Developing literary style.
Special Skills Objectives of the ProgramDevelop basic language skills.Increase the student’s vocabulary in the primary education stage.Provide basic language rules and develop self-capabilities  
Methods of Teaching and Learning
Lecture, discussion, questioning, and exploration methods (Theoretical aspect)Cooperative learning and small group teaching methods (Practical aspect)Through the study of texts, answering questions, and analysis
Methods of Evaluation  
140% mid-term exams60% final exam at the end of the semester.  
Affective and Value-based Objectives:Teach the student positive concepts and critical thinking.Enable the student to develop a creative thinking approach in dealing with others.Instill the concepts of honesty, sincerity, and trustworthiness through communication skills.      
Methods of Teaching and Learning
Utilize various teaching methods through which we present the most important fundamentals about topics related to thinking and analysis. These include the discussion method, the questioning method, and assigning students homework that requires self-thinking and answering, while also teaching them methods of scientific thinking and analysis of the subject matter.Through mid-term and end-of-term examinations.  
Methods of Evaluation  
Daily tests with questions that require thoughtful, self-generated answers. Assigning grades for homework assignments given to the students. Allocating grades for competitive questions directed at the students, which require intellectual and self-generated answers. Presenting written and oral questions, and evaluating the students based on their answers and in-class activities. Direct observation.  
  D. General and Transferable Skills (Other Skills Related to Employability and Personal Development) Developing the student’s basic language skills. Ability to express opinion. Listening to the opinions of others. Developing the student’s personality.  
Methods of Teaching and Learning
Present the subject matter in a scientific and modern style, and present the topic for discussion.
Methods of Evaluation  
Oral exam.Written exam.Presenting an activity related to the course content, if available.
2)Structure of Program
Year/LevelCourse CodeCourse NameCredit Hours
First Univ 1101Human rights and Democracy2 
First Univ 1106Computer12
First Coll 1203Fundamentals of Psychology 3 
First Engl 1305General English2 
First Engl 1302Conversation21
First Engl 1303An Introduction to Literature 2 
First Engl 1304Grammar3 
First Univ 1103Arabic 2 
First Univ 2109Environmental and Health Education2 
First Coll 1204The Principles and Fundamentals of Education 3 
First Univ 1102Islamic Education2 
First Engl 1305An Introduction to Phonetics 2 
First Engl 1306Conversation21
First Engl 1307Literature :Poetry2 
First Engl 1308Grammar 2 
SecondUniv 2107Arabic2 
SecondUniv 2108Computer 12
SecondColl 2206Counselling and Mental Health3 
SecondEngl  2314Reading Comprehension 2 
SecondEngl  2311Grammar 3 
SecondEngl  2310Literature: Short Story 2 
SecondEngl  2310Phonetics 21
SecondEngl  2314Composition2 
SecondUniv 2109Crimes of the Ba’ath Regime2 
SecondColl 2207Educational Statistics3 
SecondColl 2205Educational Psychology2 
SecondEngl  2314Reading Comprehension2 
SecondEngl  2317Grammar 2 
SecondEngl  2318Literature: Novel2 
SecondEngl  2316Phonetics21
SecondEngl  2321Conversation21
ThirdColl 3212General Teaching Methods and their Applications2 
ThirdColl 3209Educational Research Methodology3 
ThirdColl 3210Sustainable Development2 
ThirdEngl 3323Linguistics2 
ThirdEngl 3330Literature: Drama2 
ThirdEngl 3331Reading comprehension2 
ThirdEngl 3326Essay2 
ThirdEngl 3327Grammar 2 
ThirdUniv 3113Arabic Literature2 
ThirdColl 3211Measurement and Evaluation2 
ThirdColl 3213Curricula and Textbooks2 
ThirdColl 3212Specialized Research Method2 
ThirdEngl 3329Linguistics2 
ThirdEngl 3333Grammar2 
ThirdEngl 3343Translation 2 
ThirdEngl 3344Specialized Teaching Methods2 
FourthUniv 4114Computer21
FourthUniv 4115Arabic IIII2 
FourthColl 4214Curricula and Textbooks2 
FourthColl 4215Educational Administration2 
FourthColl 4216Practicum12 
FourthEngl 4335Textbooks Analysis2 
FourthEngl 4336Transformational grammar3 
FourthEngl 43386Testing2 
FourthEngl 4337Specialized Teaching Methods2 
FourthEngl 4338Listening2 
FourthEngl 4339Translation2 
FourthEngl 4340Graduation Paper 3 
Planning for personal development
Reviewing  previous outlines and their outcomes. Reviewing the latest books and publications. Annual update of the lesson plan. Keeping up with the latest technological developments in one’s field of specialization and being aware of the latest information. Keeping up with the latest scientific theories and facts being discovered in one’s field of specialization. Keeping up with the latest teaching methods and techniques for delivering the subject matter to learners.  
Admission criteria (establishing the regulations related to enrollment in the college or institute)
Central admission based on the centralized admission system, which depends on the student’s overall GPA and the specialty grade for admission to the college and in the specialty.  
Key information sources about the program
1- Lectures and textbooks, if available.
2- The internet.
3- Field visits.
4- Academic field trips.
5- Libraries.
6- Meetings with some professional entities.  
YearCourse CodeCourse Name Basic or optional Knowledge   Skills Ethics Skills related to personal development
First Univ 1101Human rights and DemocracyBasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
First Univ 1106Computer  BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
First Coll 1203Fundamentals of Psychology BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
First Engl 1305General English BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
First Engl 1302Conversation BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
First Engl 1303An Introduction to Literature BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
First Engl 1304GrammarBasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
First Univ 1103Arabic BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
First Univ 2109Environmental and Health EducationBasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
First Coll 1204The Principles and Fundamentals of Education BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
First Univ 1102Islamic Education BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
First Engl 1305An Introduction to Phonetics  BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
First Engl 1306Conversation BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
First Engl 1307Literature :PoetryBasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
First Univ 1101Human rights and DemocracyBasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
SecondUniv 2107Arabic BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
Second Univ 2108Computer BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
Second Coll 2206Counselling and Mental Health BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
Second Engl  2314Reading Comprehension BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
Second Engl  2311Grammar BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
Second Engl  2310Literature: Short Story BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
Second Engl  2310Phonetics BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
Second Engl  2314CompositionBasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
Second Univ 2109Crimes of the Ba’ath Regime BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
Second Coll 2207Educational StatisticsBasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
Second Coll 2205Educational Psychology BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
Second Engl  2314Reading Comprehension BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
Second Engl  2317Grammar BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
Second Engl  2318Literature: Novel BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
Second Engl  2316PhoneticsBasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
Second Engl  2321Conversation BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
ThirdColl 3212General Teaching Methods and their Applications BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
ThirdColl 3209Educational Research Methodology BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
ThirdColl 3210Sustainable Development BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
ThirdEngl 3323LinguisticsBasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
ThirdEngl 3330Literature: Drama BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
ThirdEngl 3331Reading comprehensionBasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
ThirdEngl 3326EssayBasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
ThirdEngl 3327GrammarBasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
ThirdUniv 3113Arabic LiteratureBasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
ThirdColl 3211Measurement and EvaluationBasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
ThirdColl 3213Curricula and Textbooks BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
ThirdColl 3212Specialized Research Method BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
ThirdEngl 3329LinguisticsBasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
ThirdEngl 3333GrammarBasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
ThirdEngl 3343Translation BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
ThirdEngl 3344Specialized Teaching MethodsBasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
FourthUniv 4114ComputerBasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
FourthUniv 4115Arabic BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
FourthColl 4214Curricula and TextbooksBasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
FourthColl 4215Educational AdministrationBasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
FourthColl 4216PracticumBasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
FourthEngl 4335Textbooks AnalysisBasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
FourthEngl 4336Transformational Generative  grammarBasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
FourthEngl 43386TestingBasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
FourthEngl 4337Specialized Teaching MethodsBasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
FourthEngl 4338ListeningBasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
FourthEngl 4339Translation BasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
FourthEngl 4340Graduation PaperBasicPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP

Course Description

This course description provides a concise summary of the course’s key characteristics and the expected learning outcomes for the student, demonstrating the maximum benefit obtained from the available learning opportunities. It is necessary to link them to the program description.
Educational institution College of Basic Education
Scientific DepartmentDepartment of English
Course Name General English
Attendance  Compulsory
Semester / YearFirst Year, First Semester
Total hours30 hours
Date of the preparation of description  18/07/2024
Course Objectives:
The course aims to develop the student’s linguistic skills and improve their scientific research methods, while also enhancing the student’s literary style. It also aims to empower the student in the cognitive, scientific, and educational aspects, as well as develop the student’s personality by focusing on building the student’s character through educational and cultural lessons and materials.
Course Outcomes, Teaching and Learning Methods, and Assessment
A. Knowledge Objectives Enable the student to acquire basic language skills.Develop conversation skills through discussions.Develop writing skills through in-class and out-of-class activities.Develop the ability for literary expression.Develop scientific research methods. B. Course-Specific Skills Objectives Improve the student’s language skills.Develop scientific research methods.Improve the ability in expression.Develop writing skills. C. Affective and Value-based Objectives Focus on educational objectives.Establish scientific objectives.Develop cognitive objectives.Establish general human objectives. D. General and Transferable Skills (Other skills related to employability and personal development) Develop basic language skillsDevelop speaking and writing skillsDevelop the student’s personalityDevelop scientific research methods
 Teaching and Learning Methods Presenting the material in a modern, scientific manner and using the discussion method in presenting the material.
 Assessment Methods Oral examinationsWritten examinationsActivities and research assignments
Course Structure
Week HoursRequired Learning OutcomesUnit or subject nameLearning methodEvaluation method
1st – 2nd2Adjectives, kinds of adjectivesGeneral EnglishPresentation and discussionOral written test
3rd – 4th2Adverbs, kinds of adverbs Presentation and discussionOral written test
5th – 6th2Examination The facts Presentation and discussionOral written test
7th – 8th2Crazy comprehension Presentation and discussionOral written test
9th – 10th2Double life of Alfred blogs Presentation and discussionOral written test
11th – 12th2Examination, consonants Presentation and discussionOral written test
13th – 14th – 15th2Comprehension and vocabulary Presentation and discussionOral written test
Learning and Teaching Resources
Required textbooks (curricular books, if any) Rapid review of English grammar
Main references (sources)Developing skills by Alexander
Recommended books and references (scientific journals, reports…) 
Electronic References, Websites 
Curriculum Development Plan Review journals, websites, workshops, and training for the teaching staff

Course Description

This course description provides a concise summary of the course’s key characteristics and the expected learning outcomes for the student, demonstrating the maximum benefit obtained from the available learning opportunities. It is necessary to link them to the program description.
Educational institutionCollege of Basic Education
Scientific DepartmentDepartment of English
Course NameConversation
Semester / YearFirst Year, First Semester
Total hours45 hours
Date of the preparation of description 18/07/2024
Course Objectives:
The course aims to develop the student’s linguistic skills and improve their scientific research methods, while also enhancing the student’s literary style. It also aims to empower the student in the cognitive, scientific, and educational aspects, as well as develop the student’s personality by focusing on building the student’s character through educational and cultural lessons and materials.
Course Outcomes, Teaching and Learning Methods, and Assessment
A. Knowledge Objectives Enable the student to acquire basic language skills.Develop conversation skills through discussions.Develop writing skills through in-class and out-of-class activities.Develop the ability for literary expression.Develop scientific research methods. B. Course-Specific Skills Objectives Improve the student’s language skills.Develop scientific research methods.Improve the ability in expression.Develop writing skills. C. Affective and Value-based Objectives Focus on educational objectives.Establish scientific objectives.Develop cognitive objectives.Establish general human objectives. D. General and Transferable Skills (Other skills related to employability and personal development) Develop basic language skillsDevelop speaking and writing skillsDevelop the student’s personalityDevelop scientific research methods
 Teaching and Learning Methods Presenting the material in a modern, scientific manner and using the discussion method in presenting the material.
 Assessment Methods Oral examinationsWritten examinationsActivities and research assignments
Course Structure
Week HoursRequired Learning OutcomesUnit or subject nameLearning methodEvaluation method
1st – 2nd3English situationEnglish situationPresentation and discussionOral written test
3rd – 4th3Types of SituationsTypes of SituationsPresentation and discussionOral written test
5th – 6th3ExaminationExaminationPresentation and discussionOral written test
7th – 8th3In the garageIn the garagePresentation and discussionOral written test
9th – 10th3In the RestaurationIn the RestaurationPresentation and discussionOral written test
11th – 12th3ExaminationExaminationPresentation and discussionOral written test
13th – 14th – 15th3Giving yourself timeGiving yourself timePresentation and discussionOral written test
Learning and Teaching Resources
Required textbooks (curricular books, if any) Speaking by Green and Hilton
Main references (sources)English Fluently by Ona Low
Recommended books and references (scientific journals, reports…)Speaking Skills by Green and Hilton
Electronic References, WebsitesWebsites
Curriculum Development Plan Review journals, websites, workshops, and training for the teaching staff



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