As a part of developing productive and fruitful relationships with international universities, organizations and institutions which enhances the position and academic reputation of our University internationally, the University of Misan has made cooperation with the University of Central Florida (UCF), at the invitation of the latter, which is one of the biggest universities in the United States and the world. the number of its students for Undergraduate and Postgraduate studies is more than 78 thousand. The bachelor’s degree is awarded in more than 230 majors and more than 150 majors for Postgraduate studies.
The University of Central Florida, which is located in Orlando in the State of Florida, is one of the advanced universities in the fields of scientific research and in all medical, engineering, science and humanitarian disciplines. It has close connections with research centers and international institutions such as NASA for Space Research.
The meeting was chaired by the Vice-Chancellor of Academic Affairs and Postgraduate Studies, Assistant Professor Dr. Adel Ma’na Dakhil from the University of Misan with members of the communication Committee with Foreign Universities (Dr Haider Hasaan Faraj, Dr Ali Hussein Jabbar, Dr Hassanein Abbas Hassan). On behalf of the University of Central Florida, Mrs. (Nataly Chandia Viano), Associate Vice President of International Affairs, Mr. (Mark Hartman) Director of international recruitment and partnerships, and Mrs. (Tamara AlBayati) Director of International Language Programs attended.
The Vice-Chancellor of Academic Affairs and Postgraduate Studies welcomed the attendees and delivered a speech that included information about the University of Misan in terms of establishment, faculties, academic departments and activities, as well as the desire of the University to open up to international institutions for cooperation to serve and develop its position and reputation. He also identified the proposed cooperation frameworks between the two universities. Then, Mr Mark Hartman spoke on behalf of the University of Central Florida and expressed his happiness with this meeting and the desire of his university and its quest to establish long-term fruitful relations with the University of Misan. He also presented a summary of the most important cooperation opportunities and programs available within the university.
At the end of the meeting, the two parties agreed to instruct the concerned authorities (the Department of Scholarships and Cultural Relations at our university and the Department of International Affairs at the University of Central Florida) in both Universities to decide on preparing draft cooperation that includes strengthening the foundations of cooperation in the fields of scientific research, establishing joint conferences and seminars, exchanging experiences and developing faculty members and research fellowships, as well as providing some opportunities for students to complete their postgraduate studies.