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Mohammed Abdul Raza Abdul Jabber
Amer Zaghir Muhaisen


Justification is considered one of the most important elements of the judicial ruling because it has an important role in protecting the parties to the administrative case, but it represents a sure guarantee for the tool of the Supreme Administrative Court in the work of judicial oversight. Therefore, justification is one of the most important elements that contribute to determining the competent court. The ruling issued to dismiss the administrative case for lack of Jurisdiction contains the factual and legal elements on which the court relied to dismiss the case for lack of jurisdiction. The judiciary also makes an effective contribution in addressing the problems faced by the judge in determining the competent court due to the legislator’s inability to distribute jurisdiction in an organized manner. Reasoning provides solutions in determining judicial jurisdiction through principles. Legal created by the judiciary

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How to Cite
Abdul Raza Abdul Jabber م., & Zaghir Muhaisen ع. (2024). THE ROIE OF CAUSATION IN DETERMINING JURISDICTION (ACOMPARATIVE STUDY). MIsan Journal of Comparative Legal Studies, 1(10), 197–219. Retrieved from


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