Compensation for the newborn resulting from artificial insemination (Comparative study

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Mushtaq Abdul Hai Abdul Hussain


The subject of the study is to what extent a newborn born from artificial fertilization is entitled to compensation for damages that befall him as a result of medical errors issued by the doctor or medical center concerned, the results of which appear after birth in multiple forms such as disability, deformity, or other diseases, and the reason for this lies in the multiple mechanisms of artificial fertilization. It varies with the diversity of devices, materials, and methods used in artificial fertilization in all its stages, from the beginning of obtaining male and female cells from the spouses and fertilizing them externally in the laboratory or via ICSI, preserving the fertilized egg, implanting the embryo, then pregnancy and birth. It is possible for medical errors to occur at all these stages and lead to... To harm the newborn, and this is considered a sufficient reason for the emergence of liability requiring compensation

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How to Cite
Abdul Hai Abdul Hussain م. . (2024). Compensation for the newborn resulting from artificial insemination (Comparative study. MIsan Journal of Comparative Legal Studies, 1(10), 220–248. Retrieved from


اولاً: مراجع الفقه الإسلامي

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