The provisions of the administrative of E-Decision (A comparative study)

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Ahmed Abed Zaid Hasan


In light of the great Technological development round the world in E-Programs and E-Systems, and digital transformation make the administrative entity keep up with such development. This occurred through inserting and using such systems and programs in the administrative system, and not following the traditional means only to promote to the public interest. This interest represented in their legal acts like issuing the administrative decisions. The Administrative decisions are considered on of the traditional means, so these entities attempt to the transfer or shift from the traditional means to the Electronic one. This can be represented in the modern means in the light of E-Administrative decisions due to the transferring from the traditional system to the E-System. The Administrative decision will aid the administrative entity to present its services in better way, faster and with low cost to the public. This issue, motivated most of the countries round the world to adopt the E-Government to complete all the required tasks recently. It is necessary to use the E-Administrative decision for its flexibility, developing, and comprehend all the updates in the administrative field. In addition to the mentioned above, it will reserve the ongoing of the public interest easily, and regularly

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How to Cite
Abed Zaid Hasan ا. (2024). The provisions of the administrative of E-Decision (A comparative study). MIsan Journal of Comparative Legal Studies, 1(10), 316–369. Retrieved from


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