Addressing the legislative shortcomings in the law on the discipline of state and public sector employeesNo. 14 of 1991, amended (Comparative study)

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Ibrahim Jabbar Mansour
Ali Hassan Abdul Amir


almulakhas an la yajuz an takun nusus tafwid wasalimat hataa tahaqiq alhadaf almanshud minha, wa'an yakun hunak tanzim salim yakful jawdataha, wa'ana siaghat alqawaeid alqanuniat yajib 'an taqum ealaa jamie al'usus alati takful diqtaha, wadarurat tawafuqiha mae almatalib alati altabaqat min ajiliha, wan tanzim alaihkam alqanuniat liqanun aindibat muazaf aldawlat walqitae aleami raqm 14 lisanat 1991 almuqarari, laha 'ahamiyat eamat eamat bishakl 'asasiin fi tahqiq almanhajii alfaeilii waldaman lima fi dhalik min musahamat kabirat fi tahqiq aleadalat alaindibatiati, lidhalik la buda min altaghalul fi aiemaq aihhkam aldawabiti, waltasadiy lilqawanin altanzimiat aladhi yatakhalaluha bi'anwaeih kafatun, lidaman tahqiq almatlub bayn alfaeilin waldaman waziadat alqadr allaazim min al'iijra'at alqanuniat fi aihkamih wabialnatijat tahqiq aleadalat alaindibatiat bibihaa suariha

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How to Cite
Jabbar Mansour ا. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., & Hassan Abdul Amir ع. (2025). Addressing the legislative shortcomings in the law on the discipline of state and public sector employeesNo. 14 of 1991, amended (Comparative study). MIsan Journal of Comparative Legal Studies, 1(12), 77–99. Retrieved from


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