Design and Improvement of a Reversible SISO Shift Register with Quantum dot Cellular Automata


  • Israa Salmam university of misan - collge of pharmacy
  • Ahmed Azeez



Reversible shift register, Quantum dot cellular automata, Quantum cost, Constant input, Additional output, Cell number and area.



Quantum dot cellular automata is one of the new nanotechnologies in computing systems having more potential for increasing speed, reducing the size and reducing power consumption in comparison with the current technology based on transistors. In this paper, we propose a novel reversible SISO shift register based on an optimized reversible D flip flop scheme in which the sequence of the flip flops is utilized to improve the evaluation criteria. The simulation results show that in comparison with previous works, the proposed reversible SISO shift circuits has been improved in terms of cell number, delay and area. In this design, the number of cells equals to 89, the area equals to 0.08 square micrometers, the delay is negligible, the number of inverter gates equals to three and the number of majority gates is eight.




How to Cite

Salmam, I., & Azeez, A. . (2024). Design and Improvement of a Reversible SISO Shift Register with Quantum dot Cellular Automata. Misan Journal of Engineering Sciences, 3(2), 214–223.