Criminal Liability for Betrayal of the State During Negotiations (A Comparative Study)

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Abdulmohsin enteesh hasan


Negotiations are among the oldest political and diplomatic means that countries resort to to settle their disputes by peaceful means, far from disputes. They are still the most successful means because the parties to the conflict are the ones who develop solutions to their disputes directly and in a way that serves their interests. Negotiations assume the existence of disputes between two countries that seek to resolve them by means, in order to Criminal liability is imposed for treason For a state during negotiation, the actor must have a special characteristic, which is that he is charged with negotiating, and that the party with which the negotiation is being conducted is a government, an international organization, or a foreign company

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How to Cite
enteesh hasan ع. . (2025). Criminal Liability for Betrayal of the State During Negotiations (A Comparative Study). MIsan Journal of Comparative Legal Studies, 1(12), 722–772. Retrieved from


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-Iraqi Penal Code No. 111 of 1969, amended.

- Egyptian Penal Code No. 58 of 1937.

-Bahraini Penal Code No. 15 of 1976 .