

University of Misan organizes a panel discussion on early detection of breast cancer
The college of Agriculture, University of Misan, organized a panel discussion on the early detection of breast cancer with the participation of a number of researchers and specialists
The lecture included a lecture given by Dr. Talal Hussein Saleh, during which he learned about breast cancer and the most important causes and factors, constant and variable symptoms of the disease and the most important symptoms of a tumor under the armpit and the occurrence of redness and excretions may be blood
The seminar dealt with the most important methods used in early detection, which are done through self-disclosure or through radiation and recommended the need for self-disclosure and clinical and emphasize the factor of genetics, which is one of the most important symptoms of this disease, as well as attention to the quality of food and away from canned food and quit smoking either directly or Indirect and abstain from drinking alcohol and warning towers communication and set up randomly within residential areas and at the end of the ring confirmed that the age of thirty and above and the age of safety more exposure to breast cancer