The College of Agriculture holds a workshop on the motivation system for new staff.

The College of Agriculture holds a workshop on the motivation system for new staff.

The College of Agriculture, Maysan University, organized a workshop on the motivation system of the new staff. The workshop included a lecture given by the Chairman of the Motivation Committee at the College of Agriculture (Hazem Zahrao Sahn).

The workshop showed that the motivation system is one of the important systems for government institutions that gives them the ability to increase work productivity by encouraging employees to be creative and innovative to advance the unity of teamwork.

The workshop dealt with updating the determinants of the motivation system for staff at the University of Maysan, allowing the university to optimally develop the capabilities of its members and achieve justice and equal opportunities for all in accordance with several determinants and paragraphs.

The workshop concluded with the determinants of job performance, work relations, formed committees, volunteer work, self-development courses, and creating a culture of loyalty and belonging to the university in order to create a positive, stimulating work environment in the college’s formations.