The President of the University of Maysan

reviews the postgraduate exams in the College of Basic Education..Prof. Dr. Abdul-Basit Mohsen Eyal/ President of…

An American magazine publishes

research on planning and spatial distribution in the city of architecture for a professor from the…

Prof. Fatima Rahim
Hussain / Teaching at Maysan

University / Head of the English Language Department at the College of Basic Education as part…

Maysan Journal of Academic

Studies gets a new impact factor.As a result of the course followed by the Maysan Journal…

Maysan Journal of Academic Studies obtains

obtains the international impact factor of international journals.After the great scientific progress achieved by the Maysan…

Prof. Dr. Mohammed Arab Almousi

a professor in our college, received a certificate of appreciation for his participation in the human…

Instructors in English department

 (Inst. Haifa’a Khadhim and Asst. Lect. Issa Safa’a) participated in the first international conference which was…

An International journal which IJDSSH for the inventions

in Engineering and Information Technology chose Prof. Dr. Adulkareem Lazim Bahir, Prof. Dr. Fatima Rahim Abdulhussein,…

International Training Course for the German Board for Training and Consultation, an average of (100) training hours. the axes of the course included:

1.     Training design (40) training hours. 2.     Evaluation of educational curricula  (20) training hours. 3.     Measurement and evaluation  (20)…

Maysan Journal of Academic Studies published a research for (Dr. Gasp Ghazi Rushk

an instructor in the Department of History / College of Basic Education, titled (Confronting the Prophets’’…