A book is published by the two teachers from the University of Misan on the intellectual legacy of the martyr Amjad Al-Dahamat…

A book entitled (Hold your Spindle and Follow me .. Amjad Al-Dahamat Martyr’s Studies in Thought, Politics and Civil Society) is published by the two instructors from the University of Misan; Assist. Inst. Alaa Kadhem Raboa Al-Musawi and Assist. Inst. Hamid Abu Al-Loul Al-Majidi. Assist. Inst. Alaa Kadhem Raboa Al-Musawi at the Department of Arabic Language said that the book included the martyr’s studies and articles. It was divided into five axes, the first axis dealt with studies in political affairs, while the second axis covered studies in civil society affairs. While the third axis dealt with intellectual studies, the fourth axis included studies in Islamic thought, and the fifth and last axis dealt with technical studies. And at the end, an appendix is added which included a biography of the martyr.