University of Maysan / College of Dentistry / Division of Continuing Education / Organizes a course on (alternatives to antibiotics) in order to raise community awareness about some of the health problems of increasing importance in our society and in the presence of the Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs and Graduate Studies organized the Faculty of Dentistry / University today (Monday) (7/10/2019) A course on (alternatives to antibiotics) included a lecture by the teacher, Dr. (Taha Hassan Jassem) dealt with a general idea about antibiotics and their effectiveness against pathogenic bacteria and the reasons for the resistance of these bacteria and methods of spread and made some recommendations, including the non-use of antibiotics for any Reason b Wen consult a specialist doctor regularly and use non-random manner, as well as support and encourage research and studies in this area to find alternatives to them, and the workshop was attended by a number of teaching staff and faculty.