The Department of Mathematics at the College of Education, University of Maysan, held the ministerial symposium entitled (Applied and Pure Mathematics and its Role in Other Sciences) In the presence of the Dean of the College, department professors, and specialized researchers The symposium included several topics, the first of which was: Dr. Maryam Khudair from the University of Baghdad, College of Science ((In this topic, the Mittag-Leffler function with seven complex parameters for one complex variable was defined. It is a general special function that generalizes many known special functions such as the exponential function, the standard Mittag-Leffler function, the hypergeometric function, the Kemer and the Wright function. Many basic properties of this function were also studied, including the radius of convergence, order, type, derivative, Milne-Barnes integral formula,Laplace transform and Mellen transform. In addition, this function was used to provide new gamma and beta functions along with some statistical applications.)) The second topic was by the instructor, Dr. Heba Rabie Baanoun, teaching in the Mathematics Departmemnt Which was within the focus of pure mathematics In it, what is the concept of size, the small partial size, the largest partial size, and the hollow size were presented. How were these concepts generalized to a small partial size of the type Z, a larger partial size of the type Z, Hollow size of type Z*. Mentioning some of the properties that were studied and providing examples. Finally, I finish mentioning the applications of the theory of measurements in other sciences. The third topic was the instructor, Dr. Aqeel Abdul Wahed Qasim, teaching in the Mathematics Department.
The lecturer gave a historical introduction to the emergence of fractional derivatives and the historical sequence of their development until they reached a very mature stage. Then he touched on the problems that scientists and researchers faced when applying fractional derivatives to solve function equations. He presented the best methods and methods for solving these problems. Then he went on to discuss the best modern methods that are currently used as definitions. Laws used to find derivatives and fractional integration of all kinds The symposium concluded with a lecture by Assistant instructor Abdul Kareem Ali Hussein on Complementary Sizes of Pattern – Jacobson. The main goal of this research is to define complementary measures of the type J-⊕ and present new theorems and the basic properties of this concept.