A seminar was held at the College of Education / University of Missan / Department of English

A seminar was held at the College of Education / University of Missan / Department of English on the “Syntactic Study of Theme and Rheme in Dan Brown angels and demons according to Halliday ‘s SFG”.
The study tends to analyze the structural aspect of Theme and Rheme in linguistics texts and novels and study the strategies of Theme and Rheme and explain its importance in the study of literary texts.
The workshop included general information to explain the idea of the Theme and Rheme and types in the linguistic texts. The study included clarifying the importance of the Theme and Rheme in the sequence of ideas, sentences and coherence in the linguistic texts.
The study showed the types of Theme and Rheme :
Simple Theme, derived Theme , linear and constant ones .
Haliday’s theory includes that the language is a meaningful system and refers to the importance of syntax in the language. This means that there is a strong relationship between the meaning and structure advanced by the student to clarify. The student explained that there are three ways to use the language:
1. People use language to describe, analyze, and express our understanding of the world, known as the “ideational meaning”
2. Use the language to link the previous article to the rest of the sentence. Here is the relationship of the speaker to the listener and is known as the interpersonal meaning “interpersonal meaning”
3. People use the language to arrange the text in a consistent manner known as textual meaning “textual meaning”
The researcher added how Dan Brown used the grammatical structures in his novel to illustrate the conflict between religion and science

This study was submitted by a master’s student
(Noor Rahim Naama) under the supervision of (Dr.D. Iqbal Sahib), (Dr. Fatima Al-Moussawi) in the presence of the Head of Department (Dr. Alaa Dhafer Amer) and professors of the English language and graduate students (Masters) In the Department of
