University of Misan holds a workshop on the English language in the contexts of physical education and sports science The Department of English at the College of Education, University of Misan, held a workshop on the English language in the contexts of physical education and sports science with the participation of lecturers of the College of Physical Education and Sports Science as well as graduate students. The workshop included a lecture Presented by Lec. Wafa Hussein Jabr and Asst. Lect. Furqan Abdul Redha Kareem on Thursday, 2/5/2019. The workshop highlighted how to deal with the English language and the vocabulary related to physical education and sports sciences. The workshop emphasized the mechanism of writing abstracts and letters in English concerning physical vocabulary and developing students’ ability in English. The workshop dealt with empowering lecturers and graduate students to overcome the difficulties of writing in English in physical contexts and introducing them to some of the modern electronic programs that may help them to overcome such difficulties.