About The College


The College of Education was established at the beginning of 1999-2000 when the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research had decided to be opened in coordination with the Presidency of the University of Basra. Thatprojectwas within the expansion of higher education to include all provinces of Iraq. Those collegesrepresent seeds for a new university in each province. Consequently, the College of Education in Misan began its work officially on August 31, 1999 as a new educational and scientific discipline with the other academic disciplinesfor the scientific development. The college contributes in making change and growthso that it can contribute our country to promote to the next levelwhere the developed countries of the world.

At the time of its foundation, the College of Education comprised four departments (Department of Biology, Department of Arabic, Department of History, and Department of Geography). Then, it was expanded to embrace two new departments (Department of Mathematics, andDepartment of English) in 2008-2009.Then the Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences was established in the academic year (2013-2014), after that the Department of Qur’anic Sciences was established for the academic year (2019-2020), followed by the establishment of the Department of Physics for the academic year (2020-2021) under the auspices of the Dean of the College of Education (Professor HashimDakhil Hussein Al Daraji (Ph. D.)). The college offers Bachelor’s degree in four-years of full study. The first conferment of Bachelor’sgraduate degreewas in the year study (2002-2003). Eventually, the College of Education at the University of Misanescortedboth (Basic Education) and (Physical Education) in 1/4/2007 after the declaration of Misan university and the end of the supervision of Basra University on the colleges of Misan.As well as the establishment of postgraduate studies (masters) for the departments (English, Arabic, History, and Geography).

The geographical location of the college: Al-Kahla Road, Al Amara, Misan, Iraq (62001).


The College aspiresto be a top-ranking centre of excellencein the teaching and scientific research.


Producing high-calibre students and cultivating a well-balancedplans and scientific researchto coincide withthe highest quality standardsand academic pursuitsso as to serve our society and its development.


  1. To prepare well qualified students with empowered personalities to be able to carry out their tasks in life properly.
  2. To promote innovation in all fields.
  3. To boost the partnership between the college and society with its institutions.This drives the college to reduce some of its departments,  andexpand the others, and open new onesdue  to the needs of the province.
  4. To enrich and enliven the library with the stuff’s contributions in authoring and scientific research.