Master’s thesis at the College of Science – University of Misan discusses (Relationship between osteocalcin , reproductive hormones, insulin in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitns).

The master’s thesis of postgraduate student Iman Ali Hussein was discussed at the College of Science/ University of Misan University – Department of Biology for its tagged thesis

Relationship between osteocalcin , reproductive hormones, in sulin in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitns.

The panel consisted of the gentlemen listed below:

1- Prof. Arshad Nouri Al-Dujaili / Physiology/ College of Science / KKufa University/ President.

2- Prof. Adel Musa Hassan. Physiology / College of Vet. / Basrah University/ Member.

3- Prof. . Zainab Abdul Jabbar Reda. Physiology / College of Scince / Misan University/ Member and supervisor.

4- Prof. Mohamed Abdel Munther Osman. Clinical Chemistry / College of Medicine / Misan University/ Member.

The thesis included (study of the level of the hormone, the study samples were collected from the Center for Endocrinology and Diabetes in Maysan Province and was conducted on 115 males aged (49-35) years old.

The results showed an increase in the level of osteocalcin and insulin in people with type 2 diabetes.