Master&’s thesis entitled Biological Activity Study of Some New Pyrazole and Pyrimidine Derivatives


A master’s thesis titled: Biological Activity Study of Some New Pyrazole and Pyrimidine
Derivatives was discussed in the College of Sciences / University of Misan by Hadeel
Saad Jassim. The amino group of some oxopyrimidines and thiopyrimidines and
pyrazolines helps us to obtain derivatives with high biological activity properties and to
develop compounds of importance in chemotherapy. The thesis aimed to study the
biological effectiveness of the prepared compounds, as their effect on different types of
bacteria and fungi. On a human breast cancer cells line, the compounds were diagnosed
using techniques including FTIR, H-NMR, C-NNR and Elemental Analysis. Where the
study concluded that some compounds have high effectiveness against bacteria and fungi,
as well as high effectiveness against breast cancer. The discussion committee consisted

  1. Prof. Dr. Tahseen Abdul Qadir University of Basra / Chairman.
  2. Ass. Prof. Dr. Osama Ali Mohsen, University of Misan, member.
  3. Ass. Prof. Dr. Zaidoun Jawad Kazem, University of Misan, member.
  4. Prof. Dr. Karim Salem Abbas, University of Misan, member and supervisor.
  5. Ass. Prof. Dr. Yousra Sabri Abdel-Saheb, University of Misan, member and supervisor.
    On this occasion, Prof. Sabih Jassim Gatea, Dean of the College of Science, met the
    discussion committee in his office, thanking the efforts they made by taking the trouble to
    travel in order to exchange scientific experiences in discussing master's theses, praising
    their efforts in a letter of thanks and appreciation.