Master’s thesis at the University of Misan / College of Science discussing frequent miscarriage among women

A master’s thesis was discussed at the University of Misan – College of Science under the title:

 (Bacterial vaginosis associated with human cytomegalovirus and Trichomonas vaginalis in recurrent miscarriage women) 

by the postgraduate student, Hawra Dhmad Humidi, the thesis has discussed the relationship of some microorganisms with the cases of repeated miscarriages in women in the province of Maysan. The study aims to identify the factors that cause repeated miscarriages, as the relationship of some microorganisms with miscarriages in women was investigated. The problem of repeated miscarriage is one of the most serious problems that lead to infertility. The study dealt with the relationship of microorganisms represented by the human cytomegalovirus and its relationship with the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis as well as pathogenic bacteria and its relationship to some factors such as pH, contraceptives, age, etc. In women, it also causes infection and death of the fetus, as it was also detected by immunological methods. The other causative factor, represented by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis, was isolated and diagnosed in those women and the isolation of pathogenic bacteria accompanying the infant and the virus. The study recommended the prevention of these pathogens and the conduct of laboratory tests to detect this problem. 

The discussion committee consisted of:

  1. Prof. Dr. Wejdan Hussein Abdul-Saheb / University of Basra / College of Science / Chairman.
  2. Prof. Hussein Ali Mohaos / University of Misan / College of Science / Member.
  3. Assis. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mahdi Khalawi / University of Misan / College of Medicine / Member.
  4. Assis. Prof. Dr. Zahra Adnan Dadhl / Maisan University / College of Science / member and supervisor.