Eligibility and criteria for participation in the Second Edition of the Higher Education Award for Reading”

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Na’eem Al-Aboudi, announced the launch of the second edition of the Higher Education Reading Competition, with a total prize pool of 100 million dinars, to be awarded to 40 winners.

Registration for the competition can be completed through the platform (https://awards.mohesr.gov.iq) and will remain open until September, 21st, 2024. Registered students will take an electronic exam on September, 24th, 2024. The exam content will be based on two books: “Islamic Views on the Declaration of Human Rights” by Al-Shahid Al-Sadr, and “Cultural Matter: How to Innovate Our Future in a Changing World” by Zaki Milad.

100 million IQD prize will be distributed as follows:

  • The top ten winners will each receive 4 million IQD .
  • The second group of the ten winners will each receive 3 million IQD.
  • The third group of the ten winners will each receive 2 million IQD.
  • And the last ten winners will each receive 1 million IQD.

Competition requirements:

  1. The applicant must hold Iraqi nationality.
  2. The applicant must be an undergraduate student and currently enrolled.
  3. The competitor’s age must not exceed 30 years.
  4. Students must register for the competition using the official email provided by their college.

Government Information and Communication Section
Presidency of the University of Misan
August, 21st, 2024

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