Under the Patronage of the President of the University of Misan, Prof. Dr. Adil Manea Dakhil,
and under the supervision of the Dean of the College of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Abbas Odah Dawood,
The Rehabilitation, Employment, and Follow-up Unit at the College of Engineering, University of Misan, will hold an online development workshop titled:
“Mastering PLC Programming for Modern Systems”
Workshop Overview:
- Introduction to PLC
- Basic and Advanced PLC Programming
- Practical Applications in Modern Automation
- PLC Applications in Oil and Gas Industries
- Q&A Session
Engineer Seif Ali Mousa
Date and Time:
Saturday, October 19, 2024, at 11:00 AM
Google Meet Link
Telegram Channel:
QEF Unit Telegram
Free Participation Certificate will be provided to attendees.
About the Speaker:
- Deputy Head of Control and Systems Department at the Bazarkan Oil Field
- Master’s Student in Control and Automation in the United Kingdom
- Experienced in Control and Systems for oil fields since 2011
- Engineering Consultant for various departments, divisions, and companies related to the field
- Executive Director of PLCx LTD, Automation Solutions
- Conducted multiple workshops inside and outside Iraq
- Completed several specialized projects and hundreds of work requests related to Field Instruments and DCS, PLC, RTU, and SIS Systems