Fire Nozzles Installed at the Faculty of Engineering in Collaboration with Maysan Water Directorate

The Deanship of the Faculty of Engineering is dedicated to ensuring the highest standards of safety and civil defense within the college. Under the guidance of Professor Dr. Abbas Oda Dawood, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, and the direct supervision of the Dean’s Associate for Administrative Affairs, significant efforts have been made to enhance safety measures on campus.

In collaboration with the Maysan Water Directorate, a team consisting of the Faculty’s maintenance staff, represented by engineers Mr. Ghassan Falih Hassan and Mr. Osama Hussein Sa’eed, worked together with Engineer Mr. Ali Kassim from Maysan Water Directorate to install fire nozzles around the faculity’s buildings. This initiative aims to improve fire safety and ensure that essential resources are available in case of an emergency.

The installation of these fire nozzles reflects the Faculty’s ongoing commitment to providing a safe and secure environment for students, faculty, and staff, and it underscores the importance of collaboration between local institutions to achieve shared goals in public safety.

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